European Digital Rights (EDRi) is an association of civil and human rights organisations from across Europe. We defend your rights and freedoms in the digital 


Impact assessment of the Digital Services Act-Downloads. Impact assessment part1 (.pdf) Download Impact assessment part2 (.pdf) Download

Målsättningen är att skapa nya förutsättningar för mellanhänder på internet, anpassade efter de senaste tjugo årens utveckling. 2020-12-16 · The Digital Services Act (the DSA) aims to modernise and create an EU-wide uniform framework on the handling of illegal or potentially harmful content online, the liability of online intermediaries for third party content, the protection of users' fundamental rights online and bridging the information asymmetries between the online intermediaries and their users. Insists that the Digital Services Act must aim to ensure a high level of transparency as regards the functioning of online services and a digital environment free of discrimination; stresses that, besides the existing strong regulatory framework that protects privacy and personal data, an obligation for online platforms is needed to ensure the legitimate use of algorithms; calls, therefore, on 18 March 2021. The EDPS has issued its Formal Comments on a package of three legislative proposals for a European Health Union.

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Copy link. About sharing. image copyright Getty Images. While 2019 saw the EU ramming through a disastrous Internet copyright rule that continues to reverberate through legal and policy circles, 2020 was a very different story as the EU introduced the Digital Services Act (DSA), the most significant reform of Europe’s platform legislation the EU has The Digital Service Act (DSA) is part of a proposed EU package which aims to overhaul the digital services market. Here, we focus on the former, with a brief summary of where things stand on the digital services aspect of the DSA, and a commentary on increasing platforms’ monitoring and take down responsibilities . 2020-11-05 · The Digital Services Act, due to be presented in early December, is expected to overhaul the management of content on platforms like Google and Facebook and is the first of its kind since 2000. Digital Services Act. The Digital Services Act focuses on policing illegal material on large platforms.

It will clarify the obligations and liability of intermediary services providers in respect of third party or user generated content hosted on their platform which Text for S.848 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Digital Service Act of 2019 20 years after the adoption of the e-commerce Directive, the EU has gone back to the drawing board.

Detta dokument nedan innehåller en översikt över IAB Europes preliminära kommentarer om granskningen av juridiskt ramverk för digitala tjänster, vidare till Europeiska kommissionen som anger i sitt 2020-arbetsprogram att de kommer att föreslå en ny lag om digitala tjänster (Digital Services Act – DSA) för att stärka den inre marknaden och skydda medborgarna och deras rättigheter.

5.3. -0.3759. 2021-04-21. Hydract.

Digital Service Act och Data Act*. Presentation of the EU digital agenda, with a focus on the Digital Service. Act and Data Act, and an overview 

Digital services act

Awaited with bated breath by stakeholders in the online industry and by IP right holders alike, the EU Commission today published its official draft for the Digital Services Act (DSA).

A licence to broadcast television programmes  Public procurement, digital technology and TTIP According to the World if a service contract also covers the supply of goods, the provisions of the Act do apply. Securities Act från 1933 eller värdepapperslagstiftningen i någon annan exempel en denial-of-service-attack) mot en tjänst där Koncernen har  Nordea is the largest financial services group in the Nordic region and one of the biggest Din personlige postkasse for kommunikasjon og digital signering.
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The DSA and DMA have two main goals: to create a safer digital space in which the fundamental rights of all users of digital services are protected.

On 15th December 2020, the European Commission released its highly anticipated proposal for a Digital Services Act ("DSA"), ticking one more box of its 2020 to-do list on "Europe fit for the digital age".
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Digital services act

Dec 18, 2020 The proposed Regulation on a Digital Services Act aims to update the eCommerce Directive (ECD) from the year 2000 as well as introduce new 

s.k. nationella digitala samordnare (Digital Services Coordinators). Tyska Netzpolitik rapporterar att den spanska regeringen har föreslagit att Digital Services Act ska innehålla ett krav på att innehåll som tidigare bedömts vara  Digital Services Act kommer vara en av de viktigaste, mest fundamentala lagpaketen för vår digitala EU-kommissionens nya Digital Service Act (DSA) syftar till att föreslå nya och reviderade regler för de digitala tjänsterna, i synnerhet  Digital Services Act: s huvudsakliga mål är att uppdatera e-handelsdirektivet, som inte har förändrats väsentligt sedan det antogs 2000. Lagen om  Digital Services Act – DSA – Lagen om digitala tjänster På vår hemsida har vi publicerat IAB Europes preliminära kommentarer om översynen av I sitt arbetsprogram för 2020 uppgav EU-kommissionen att de kommer att föreslå en ny Digital Services Act (DSA) för att stärka den inre  På tisdag eftermiddag presenterade EU-kommissionen sitt förslag till en Digital Services Act (och en Digital Markets Act).

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Jul 29, 2020 In June, the European Commission launched public consultations about the upcoming Digital Services Act (DSA), an initiative to review and 

Rampant disinformation, election interference on social media, and the sale of faulty goods are just a few examples of challenges the Act aims to tackle. What are the key goals of the Digital Services Act? Legal certainty, harmonisation of rules Easier to start-up and scale-up in Europe The European Commission proposed two legislative initiatives: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The DSA and DMA have two main goals: to create a safer digital space in which the fundamental rights of all users of digital services are protected. The Digital Services Act applies to online intermediaries, which includes services such as internet service providers, cloud services, messaging, marketplaces, or social networks. These digital services transmit or store content of third parties. Vad är Digital Services Act? Digital Services Act (DSA) är ett lagpaket från EU-kommissionen. Målsättningen är att skapa nya förutsättningar för mellanhänder på internet, anpassade efter de senaste tjugo årens utveckling.

What are the aims of the Digital Services Act? As reported in our previous article, the DSA, alongside the Digital Markets Act (DMA) is part of the EU Commission’s digital strategy aiming to reinforce the single market for digital services and to create a more level playing field for businesses of all sizes across the EU.To this end, the new DSA will build on the E-Commerce Directive, whose

by reviewing and bringing more clarity to the framework. We are committed to working with the European Institutions to forge a balanced The planned Digital Services Act will tear up the EU’s 20-year-old e-commerce directive, which has dictated how services are treated in the EU’s single market but provides few rules tailored While 2019 saw the EU ramming through a disastrous Internet copyright rule that continues to reverberate through legal and policy circles, 2020 was a very different story as the EU introduced the Digital Services Act (DSA), the most significant reform of Europe’s platform legislation the EU has Kritik am Digital Services Act Die geplanten Neuerungen im Digital Services Act sind jedoch auch Gegenstand von Kritik ge-worden. So begrüßten die großen Pattformbetreiber zwar grundsätzlich die Schaffung von ein-heitlichen Regelungen auf europäischer Ebene. Sie fordern jedoch eine sinnvolle Begrenzung der Jan 7, 2021 The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) are a single set of rules intended to create a safer and open digital space  Dec 15, 2020 Digital Services Act. The Digital Services Act would require digital platforms to take responsibility for taking down illegal content, from hate speech  Nov 5, 2020 The Digital Services Act, due to be presented in early December, is expected to overhaul the management of content on platforms like Google  The Digital Services Act may include additional regulatory oversight.

I denna video diskuterar vi EU Digital Service Act och vad den kommer att innebära för yttrandefriheten på internet. Alexandersson menar att vi  numera oftast kallad DSA (Digital Services Act), nämligen genom EUROPAPARLAMENTETS OCH RÅDETS förslag till FÖRORDNING om en  content online, och nya kommissionens mål om ett digitalt Europa, och de ansvarsföflyttningar som den nya Digital services act kan innebära. Börs & Finans · Aktier · Bank · Börs · Börsnoteringar · Emissioner · Fonder · Investment · Kvartalsrapporter · Life Science · Makro · Riskkapital · Råvaror · Valuta. Direktivet kallas Digital Service Act och kommer att innebära bindande regler för IT-plattformar inom EU. EU DIGITAL SERVICE ACT. utkast till nya förordningar med regler för online-plattformar, nämligen Digital Services Act ("DSA") och Digital Markets Act ("DMA"). Reglerna  Nu rapporteras det att europeiska spelorganisationer väljer att delta i Digital Service Act implementerad av EK. Läs nyheten här! 2020) and; the Digital Services Act (Q4 2020). I det medföljande Meddelandet påpekar Kommissionen att Covid-19-krisen visar hur viktigt det  Digital Service Act och Data Act*.